Thursday, August 27, 2015

HOW TO RELIEVE NECK PAIN (Without Seeing a Doctor)

While neck pain is not really a severe injury, the pain and worry it causes can be considerably much. Neck pain and rigidity typically get better after a couple of days or weeks, and this is seldom a symptom of a more severepredicament.

There are many ways to get a neck pain such as, sleeping in an uncomfortable position,shock that impacts the neck such as accidents, sitting in a fixed position for a protracted period of time, or strained musclesdue to bad posturing, carrying a load or object on one side of the body. Anxiety and stress can likewise cause strain in your neck muscles, leading to pain in your neck.

There are also numerous methods on how to relieve neck pain without necessarily seeing a physician, these include:
Heat or ice
Although while not medically proven it has been known that either applying heat (in the form of warm water or heated pad) or ice (in the form of ice cubes or cold water) can relieve neck pain. You can apply amedium set heating pad on your neck for about 15 minutes every few hours ortake a warm bathtwice or thrice in a day.You likewiseapply an ice pack or take a dip in cold water for about 10 minutes every few hours.
Pain relievers
Taking drugs such as Tylenol, paracetamol, ibuprofen(such as Advil), ornaproxensuch as Alevecontrol pain can help relieve pain or control the pain and likewise reduce inflammation.

You can get a gentle neck massage which will stimulate the flow of blood around the neck region, which helps to relieve tension there. You can likewise see a physiotherapist for a physical therapy session in cases of persistent pain issues.


Taking a bath with warm water and  2 cups of Epsom Saltfor at least 15 minutes can be a very effectiveway of relieving achingmuscles in the neck.  Magnesium Sulfate commonly known as Epsom Salt will minimize the rate at which calcium bindsto a contracting muscle as it vies for identical binding spots as calcium does, as such this can be aneffective method to relieve neck pains.


Activities such as swimming, stretching, yoga and walking should be incorporated into your everyday or thrice a week schedule. Exercising in such ways will shake up your body system and expand your contracted joints, by so doing, the muscles of your neck are stretched and fall into place.

Move around constantly, but carefully

You don’t need to neglect your daily routine or schedule due to neck pains. Go about your normal activities in a more reserved manner. This helps take your mind off the pain and constantly moving can relieve the neck pains.
Practice healthy living

Try to avoid negative ways of doing things or bad habits such as smoking as it slows down the healing process and disturbs blood circulation, avoid stressful activities or tension both at home or at work as excessive pressure causes the body to stiffen leading to body pains.

These methods can all be done at home without seeing a specialist but if symptoms of neck pains persist after a week, please consult your physician.

Dr. Kevin Li, MD at Advance Spine Care and Pain Management is an expert specialist in chronic pain management and specializes in the treatment of chronic neck and back pain.  He is double-board certified in chronic pain management and performs comprehensive pain management for chronic neck, back and joint pain.  Call our office at (626) 538 – 8950 if your neck pain persists despite the home remedies. 

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